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There are various types of warts, including flat (plane) raised (common) and verrucas (plantar – on the feet). They are benign epidermal tumours which are contagious (human papilloma virus) and all can be treated. Warts can develop individually or in clusters and can spontaneously disappear.  Plane or flat warts occur mostly on the face, backs of hands and wrists. Hygiene must be of the highest importance to avoid cross infection and if not treated they may spread. Treatment is performed using diathermy.



Syringomas are benign eccrine gland tumours presenting as flattish papules or plates found around the eye socket area in particular under the eye and are non-contagious flesh colour elevations of the skin. They range from 1–3 mm in diameter and are firm to the touch. They are easily treated with diathermy and advanced electrolysis techniques.

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigrais peculiar to black skin and is a common papular disorder which develops in adolescence. These present as smooth, dome shaped, brown to black papules seen mainly on the cheeks, neck and upper chest. These are generally a very common disorder and the famous actor Morgan Freeman has many of these on his face. They are very easily and successfully treated using diathermy and advanced electrolysis techniques.



Xanthelasma Palpebera is the common type which appears on the eyelids and presents itself as flat yellowish growths on the eyelid close to the nose. Resembling a butter bean and causing no pain they are successfully treated using Diathermy. They reduce in size and appearance although the milky yellowy colour remains and more than one treatment is often required over a period of time.

Recommend Treatments

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