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Our skin gets its colour from a pigment called melanin. The melanin can be stimulated by environmental, hormonal and/or genetic factors and each will determine the amount, type, and distribution in the skin.

The pigmentation can be classified as epidermal (superficial), dermal (deep), or a mixture of the two. Therefore treatment plans aimed at reducing and improving unwanted pigmentation are determined upon the type of pigmentation, patient risk tolerance and patient preference.

There are different type of skin pigmentations:

Sunspots - This can occur due to UV radiation, the excessive UV exposure can lead to freckles, sun spots, age spots.

Hyperpigmentation - This can occur due to burns, reactions to chemical peels & laser treatments. Also known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIHP).

Melasma/Chloasma - This is hormonal pigmentation can be caused by pregnancy or the contraceptive pill.

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